“Once our personal connection to what is wrong becomes clear, then we have to choose: we can go on as before, recognizing our dishonesty and living with it the best we can, or we can begin the effort to change the way we think and live.” -Wendell Berry, Kentucky farmer and writer

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New Years Eve

I logged close to 40 miles since my last post. It’s been good coming out of a back injury in October and GI issues in November. Being sidelined sucks and makes me appreciate every chance I can get to run, which has mainly been in the middle of the workdays. I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on what kind of running I’d need to do to have balance in my life. Moving forward I will pursue running outside of races. That way I:
• won’t spend on races, registration & fees
• won’t deal with commuting to an event
• will always keep my runs local
• will run at times that don’t take me away from family time.

There is an addiction to running which is likely tied to the endorphins highs. Once in the state, you’ll find yourself signing up for other races quickly. A wise Facebook ultra runner friend, Don Freeman says he has a cooling off period after completing an event, which means no signing up for any new races till after a cooling period. Another FB friend, Micah True, often posts “Run Free”, which to me is pure running.

Basically, until my kids get older, I’m committed to be close and available. To not have running take me away from them I their early years. Eventually I’ll use the jogger more and continue to expose my little ones to this wonderful sport.

As midnight draws closer to the start 2012, I do want to commit to completing a 50k in the new year.