Vitamix-ing Never Gets Old

Vitamix-ing Never Gets Old

Never gets old. I think it just gets better every time I make one of these smoothies with the Vitamix. The usual suspects of ingredients.
  • Kale (1 cup)
  • Red chard (1 cup)
  • Broccoli (1/2 cup)
  • Apple (1/2 – 3/4)
  • Frozen blue berries (1/4 cup)
  • Avocado (half of a small one)
  • Raw almonds (6-8)
  • Ground cinnamon (1 tsp)
  • Pink Himalayan sea salt (a pinch)
  • Heavy whipping cream (1 tbl)
  • Coconut oil (1 tbl)
  • Plain full fat Greek yogurt (1 tbl)
  • Water (1 cup to start and add as needed)
  • Coffee (1/4 cup previously brewed and cooled)

In a plastic zip lock bag I froze the red chard, the kale, sliced apple, broccoli, and the blueberries. Freezing a bunch of the ingredients has 2 benefits:

  1. Stays fresh frozen until ready for use. Thus avoiding wilting or rotting your awesome vegetables.
  2. Reduce (or eliminate) the amount of ice needed to make the shake. Therefore packing in more nutrients per smoothie.



Big Fat Lies

Hi folks,

Below is a video excerpt from the “Fat Head” documentary and showcased under the video resources on It is information that needs to continue to be shared for the sake of our health and education. The video resource section on that site also has links to other important videos from other experts:

  • Prof Tim Noakes talks about discovering the forgotten diet
  • Nina Teicholz author of “The Big Fat Surprise” discusses her book
  • Gary Taubes author of “Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It” discusses obesity
  • Dr Eric Westman discusses The Science Behind Low Carb High Fat
  • Dr Jonny Bowden discusses his book he co-authored “The Great Cholesterol Myth”

If you are familiar with this information and could use the additional resources to share to your family, friends, or clients, I really hope this helps. Lastly, don’t forget to check out my resources page for a list of titles and links to the above mentioned books and more.


Don’t Shat my Fat Coffee

Don’t Shat my Fat Coffee

An interesting blessing, curse, phenomenon, or slap in the face when you no longer crave sweet, is the ability to have hyper-sensitive taste to things naturally and artificially sweetened. Naturally sweet fruits and vegetables taste amazing, while artificially sweetened edible products taste wickedly sweet and not in a good way. Like a sugar monster taking a dump on you. Check out ‘Don’t Shat my Fat Coffee‘ from my food blog.



Challenge: eat this way only for every meal for 30 days and you’ll never be hungry. You may even skip a meal because you’re too satisfied. No sugars. No grains. I’m not going to apologize when you lose weight along the way. So you’re welcome.


Minor touches:
Eggs cooked in bacon grease.
Kelp granules

Fresh blueberries


Fitness Confidential Review

Fitness Confidential Review

What I liked?
All of it. I guess to me Vinnie Tortorich is my Jack Lalanne. Why Jack? Read the book and you’ll know the significance of Jack. Anyway, I’ve spent a lot of time listening to Vinnie’s message on health and fitness on the America’s Angriest Trainer Podcast with Anna Vocino and thoroughly enjoy it and have learned tons. Dean Lorey and Vinnie do an incredible job at getting me inside Vinnie’s life through the book, which is probably rare from the average health and fitness book. This book is eye-opening, entertaining, and inspiring. I consider this my health and fitness bible.

Funny how after quitting addiction to sugars and grains, one becomes addicted to having quit sugars and grains. Replacing those addicting substances with an addicting NSNG lifestyle and community. #FitnessConfidential is the bible.

I also consider Vinnie Tortorich to be the Bruce Lee of fitness, health, and weight-loss. Not only because they both are phenomenal athletes and trained big names in Hollywood, but because of how they organically transformed, developed, applied, and shared something special in their art, philosophy, and lifestyle despite not having mainstream acceptance.


Bruce began his way of fighting by using the martial arts base of wing chun kung fu. Later he incorporated other forms of martial arts like fencing, western boxing, Greco-Roman wrestling to name a few to create his own formal fighting this became Jeet Kune Do. In JKD you basically take what is useful to you and make it your own. When learning JKD your start with its foundation based on Wing Chun Kung Fu. JKD is not a martial art but a way of fighting. Each person’s JKD is personal and based on their body, capabilities, and situation. A technique or movement that works well for one person may not be effective for another. Like a roundhouse kick to an opponents head is not helpful if the kicker is significantly shorter. Perhaps a kick to the shin, kneecap, groin shot instead. JKD is fluid and adaptive. Like water. At some point he stopped believing in styles of fighting like Japanese style, Korean style, whatever style, because in a real fight, style does not matter. His decision to teach martial arts to anybody and to a broader ethnic community got him criticism. Teaching Chinese martial arts to non-Chinese was not acceptable at the time. Other martial arts practitioners were close minded to this fighting philosophy. Over time Bruce proved his way to the world in combat, books, a deep lineage of students, fans and film. Bruce is considered the ‘Father of mixed martial arts’ and revolutionized the movie action fight scene.

Similarly Vinnie has his own “way”,  not of fighting, but way of eating. Eating to lose weight and be healthy. His “way” is the base, the core, the key principal and it is simply: No Sugars and No Grains (NSNG). It’s not a diet, but a lifestyle which will result it weight loss and improve health over time when practiced. Minimizing or eliminating sugars and grains is key. Eat what is useful: greater amounts of healthy fats and moderate protein. This way of eating is very adaptable because carnivorous, paleo, ancestral, vegetarian, and vegan ways of eating can incorporate NSNG. Folks with food allergies or sensitivities can too. This way of eating is not strict nor prescriptive, but rather versatile and customizable. Going NSNG is not a fad diet nor gimmicky lose pounds in a short time program. There are no scam products, programs, supplements, DVDs, packaged meals, or machines. Just a lifestyle choice that the human body agrees with. Unfortunately due to heavy marketing, bad science, big food, and big pharma, not everyone is ready to accept this way. I know in time there will be a shift. More and more people are discovering and changing their lives for the better. I have personally. Vinnie is who I consider to be the ‘Godfather of Fitness’.

Whom would I recommend?
I recommend Fitness Confidential to everybody.

Why did I choose this rating?
I chose 5 stars and would give it 10 because I enjoyed both the Kindle version and Audible audio as well.
