Ru El’s Running 053 : Special Guest – Tony Portera – Part 1 | Badwater 135 | Ultramarathon

Ru El’s Running 053 : Special Guest – Tony Portera – Part 1 | Badwater 135 | Ultramarathon

Badwater Tony Portera to me is the “real deal.” While I fantasize doing big runs, Tony is out there making it happen. You’ll hear him say he’s not anybody special, but I beg to differ. He’s fun to talk to, has a great story about his journey into running, has great things to say about running ultramarathons, someone I see as a wonderful ambassador of the ultra community, he’s super encouraging, and even offers some advice to help improve on the next ultra.

Tony Facts:

  • Running out of White Plains, New York
  • Husband and father of two.
  • Lawyer in commercial real estate
  • Dabbler of ultra running and has ran and continues to run prestigious events such like the Badwater 135, Jackpot 100, and Umstead 100.
  • He has participated in the Badwater 135 six times. 2015 will be seventh.

Running Background:

  • Tony got into ultras by stumbling on it and deciding to try it.
  • Started out soccer in high school, college, and after in law school with local club teams.
  • After graduating from law school, life happened, and at one point weighed 210 pounds. Out of shape, drinking a lot of beer, and watching football and other sports.
  • Got together with some guys who convinced him to do a local 4 miler or 5k. He said “Running is stupid!”
  • He did more of these types of runs and was eventually persuaded to do a marathon. He said “This is stupid. If running 4 miles is stupid, this is even dumber!”
  • His first marathon was the 2004 Twin Cities Marathon. Completed it in over 4 hours and told himself he’d never do another one again. But 25 marathons later, he kept trying to convince himself to stop running.
  • His biggest mistake, was after reading Dean Karnazes’ book Ultramarathon Man where he learned about ultra marathons. He was blown away and said “If 4 miles is stupid, and running a marathon is even more stupid. Then ultra runners gotta be idiots!” And Tony convinced himself to do a 60k.

Loving the Sport & Better Health

  • In ultras marathon, Tony loved that he was able to show up to the start late, finished up on the same day, and head back to your car without a hassle. This plus getting in better shape made it more appealing.
  • Eventually dropped 50-60 lbs lighter from his former weight in 2001.
  • He enjoys the runs and loves the community, but still sometimes tells himself that “He’ll never do it again.”
  • He uses these events as a way to learn more about himself. To find out what he can and can’t do.
  • “You’ll never run the same race twice. You’ll experience different things and thoughts each time.”

Tony’s Preparation:

  • Work on nutrition on a regular basis.
  • Prepare nutritionally, mentally, put in the work in training runs. Roughly 80-90 miles a week including the speed training and long runs.

Typical Training Week (To build miles and speed. Doing about 74 miles of training).

Monday a.m. – 25 miles.
Tuesday – 8 miles.
Wednesday – 10 mile tempo, 3 mile warm up. 4 miles at 6:55 pace.
Thursday – 8 miles easy recovery.
Friday – 12 miles interval: 3 mile warm up. 2 miles at 7:10 pace. recover 1 mile, six 400 mile repeats, and recover jog.
Saturday – Off.
Sunday – 12 miles.

Long run may increase over time. This is a week typically to Tony and should not be used as a template for everybody else. Everybody is different.

On Getting Coached:
Tony is currently working with Zach Bitter on training and nutrition and has also worked with Ray Zahab. Recommends getting a coach for endurance events.

Film: Running on the Sun

More Tony:

  • Tony loves to help see folks enter into the ultra community for the first time.
  • The Vermont 50 mile race was his first 50.
  • Loves seeing people go out there.
  • Thinks 50 miles is a great distance to get done in one day and it is very challenging
  • Believer in drawing from others, especially folks who have experienced what you are trying to do.

Fueling and hydration advice:

  • Drinking to thirst.
  • Keep trying different things. Learn something is always a success.

“People may go out there and try and have a negative impression in their mind, but there are so many positives to take whether perceived negative or not. It’s often times the 2nd or 3rd try that you start to understand what you’re doing and love it more.” ~ Tony Portera


Ray Zahab, founder of  impossible 2 Possible (aka i2P) tells Tony “Ultra running is 90% mental. The other 10% is all in your head.”

“Our best moments are found when we are at our weakest.”

Catch Tony Portera If You Can:


Visit to learn about Vinnie Tortorich’s NSNG Lifestyle.

Visit for great healthy gluten-free recipes.

Check out more episodes of the podcast on iTunes and Stitcher.

PLEASE go to iTunes and leave a nice review to get a shout-out on a future podcast episode!

While here be sure to check out the sponsor and affiliates:

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Music of:

  • Luzius Stone/Fire In The Sky,
  • Jimmy Buffett/Change In Lattitudes Changes In Attitudes,
  • Cool & The Gang/Get Down On It.

Ru El’s Running 051 : Special Guest – Rick Bentley | Marathon Wrap Up | Training | Recovery | Diet & Nutrition

Ru E's Running Podcast #51 with 1Rick Bentley

Photo courtesy: Rick Bentley

In episode #51 we continue the marathon conversation with special guest Rick Bentley from the Simply Human Podcast. It’s a lot of fun and you’ll want to catch it and the first half as well. Thanks for listening!

Rick’s Marathon Wrap-Up:

  • Rick’s Marathon Run Down in Episode #49
  • Marathon Finish and Wrap-up
  • Post Race
  • Diet & Nutrition
  • Training
  • The first marathon is a HUGE accomplishment!
  • Big D done
  • Maybe the Big C next?
  • Rick’s Lightning Round
  • Quote: “If you’re going through hell. Keep going.” ~Winston Churchill

“I look up to to anybody that is able to continue to put one foot in front of the other and use that not just as a way to athletically improve themselves but mentally improve themselves. Just overall self improvement.” ~ Rick Bentley

Connect with Rick Bentley at:

Visit to learn about Vinnie Tortorich’s NSNG Lifestyle.

Visit for great healthy gluten-free recipes.

Check out more episodes of the podcast on iTunes and Stitcher.

PLEASE go to iTunes and leave a nice review to get a shout-out on a future podcast episode!

While here be sure to check out the sponsor and affiliates:

Follow the show:
Music of:
John Mayer “Dancing In A Burning Room”
Luzius Stone “Fire In The Sky”

Ru El’s Running 049 : Special Guest – Rick Bentley | Marathon Rundown | Paleo | Crossfit | Podcasts | Time Travel

Ru El’s Running 049 : Special Guest – Rick Bentley | Marathon Rundown | Paleo | Crossfit | Podcasts | Time Travel

About the man:

  • Who is Rick?
  • Rick’s Marathon Rundown

Time travel and TV chat:

  • Guam is “Where America’s Days Begin”
  • Rick’s Time Reversal Machine
  • Toilet Water Flow Direction
  • Kid programs: The Wiggles, Thomas the Train, Transformers, Super Hero Squad, Teletubbies, Yo Gabba Gabba
  • Christopher Reeves’ Superman

Podcast listening chat:

Food & exercise chat:

  • Paleo & Crossfit
  • Tim McGraw
  • Double under jump rope
  • Breakfast
  • Coffee
Connect with Rick Bentley at:

Visit to learn about Vinnie Tortorich’s NSNG Lifestyle.

Visit for great healthy gluten-free recipes.

Check out more episodes of the podcast on iTunes and Stitcher.

PLEASE go to iTunes and leave a nice review to get a shout-out on a future podcast episode!

While here be sure to check out the sponsor and affiliates:

Follow the show:
Music of:
John Mayer “Dancing In A Burning Room”
Luzius Stone “Fire In The Sky”

SF Marathon Training

Wk Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Total Week Ending Races
1 Rest 4 Easy XT 5 Hills XT XT or Rest 6 LR 15 1/8/2011
2 Rest 4 Easy XT 5 Tempo XT XT or Rest 7 LR 16 1/15/2011
3 Rest 5 Easy XT 5 Hills XT XT or Rest 8 LR 18 1/22/2011
4 Rest 4 Easy XT 6 Tempo XT XT or Rest 9 LR 19 1/29/2011
5 Rest 4 Easy XT 5 Hills XT XT or Rest 10 LR 19 2/5/2011
6 Rest 5 Easy XT 4 Tempo XT XT or Rest 11 LR 20 2/12/2011
7 Rest 4 Easy XT 6 Hills XT XT or Rest 12 LR 22 2/19/2011 Bay Breeze Half Marathon
8 Rest 3 Easy XT 6 Tempo XT XT or Rest 10 LR 19 2/26/2011
9 Rest 5 Easy XT 5 Hills XT XT or Rest 13 LR 23 3/5/2011
10 Rest 4 Easy XT 5 Tempo XT XT or Rest 14 LR 23 3/12/2011
11 Rest 4 Easy XT 6 Hills XT XT or Rest 15 LR 25 3/19/2011 Diablo Trails Challenge Half Marathon
12 Rest 3 Easy XT 6 Tempo XT XT or Rest 12 LR 21 3/26/2011
13 Rest 5 Easy XT 5 Hills XT XT or Rest 16 LR 26 4/2/2011
14 Rest 4 Easy XT 6 Tempo XT XT or Rest SICK 10 4/9/2011
16 Rest 4 Easy XT 6 Tempo XT XT or Rest 10 LR 20 4/23/2011
17 Rest 5 Easy XT 4 Hills XT XT or Rest 18 LR 27 4/30/2011
18 Rest 3 Easy XT 7 Tempo XT XT or Rest 12 LR 22 5/7/2011
19 Rest 5 Easy XT 5 Hills XT XT or Rest 20 LR 30 5/14/2011
20 Rest 3 Easy XT 6 Tempo XT XT or Rest 12 LR 21 5/21/2011
21 Rest 6 Easy XT 5 Easy XT XT or Rest 8 LR 19 5/28/2011
22 Rest 3 Easy XT 6 Tempo XT XT or Rest 12 LR 21 6/4/2011 Nitro Trail Run Half Marathon
23 Rest 5 Easy XT 5 Hills XT XT or Rest 16 LR 26 6/11/2011
24 Rest 4 Easy XT 6 Tempo XT XT or Rest 10 LR 20 6/18/2011
25 Rest 5 Easy XT 4 Hills XT XT or Rest 18 LR 27 6/25/2011
26 Rest 3 Easy XT 7 Tempo XT XT or Rest 12 LR 22 7/2/2011
27 Rest 5 Easy XT 5 Hills XT XT or Rest 20 LR 30 7/9/2011 Fat Ass 20M – Ruel’s BART2BART Walnut Creek to Dublin Trail Run.
28 Rest 3 Easy XT 6 Tempo XT XT or Rest 12 LR 21 7/16/2011
29 Rest 6 Easy XT 5 Easy XT XT or Rest 8 LR 19 7/23/2011
30 Rest 5 MP XT 3 Easy Rest Rest 26.2 34.2 7/30/2011 7/31/11 The SF Marathon

Modified Beginner Marathon Training Plan from Marathon Training Academy.